An open simulation software for Micro Grids

Developing of or researching on such services requires a flexible simulation tool with possibly high usability. This is exactly what RAPSim is aiming at. RAPSim has been developed at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt within the Lakeside Labs project Smart Microgrid and was presented in front of interested audience at the ISGT Asia - 2014 conference in Kuala Lumpur in May 2014. Since then the software project is downloadable for free at

Connected Smart Grid Objects
The simulation field is a lattice where the user designs a scenario by placing different "grid objects", e.g., houses, wind turbines, PV panels, etc. Each of the objects can have a model which does all the inner-object calculations. Algorithms handle grid-wide interactions. User-defined models can extend algorithms for the grid and/or models for the grid objects. RAPSim provides the interface with following functions:- A graphical interface to create the intended scenarios and to control the simulator functions.
- Functions to save and load simulation scenarios in a generic xml format.
- A time thread that models time of day and day of the year and handles up to minute resolution.
- Generation of output files in csv-format. Object parameters can be selected to be written into a file at each time step.
- Weather simulation which can be done via stochastic models or simulated by measured data.
- Topological grid analysis that collects objects of the same bus in a list and aggregates their parameter values.
- Administration of algorithms for grid-wide calculations.
- Administration of object specific models that can be easily implemented by the user.
Once more here the link to the sourceforge page.
Publications on RAPSim (with links to fulltext PDF):
M. Pöchacker, T. Khatib, and W. Elmenreich. The microgrid simulation tool RAPSim: Description and case study. In Proceedings of the IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia (ISGT-ASIA'14), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2014. IEEE.
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