Wednesday, December 6, 2023

On the Potential of Self-Organizing Energy Systems

In the rapidly evolving field of energy management and autonomous systems, Kristina Wogatai presented her planned dissertation, titled "Exploring the Potential of Self-Organizing Applications in Energy Networks" at the Doctoral Symposium of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS 2023). Held from September 25th to 29th in Toronto, Canada, this conference serves as a significant forum for sharing the latest research in autonomous computing, self-adaptation, and self-organization.

Modern society's increasing demands for efficient and sustainable energy management make stable energy supply networks indispensable. However, achieving this stability is challenging due to dynamic environments and diverse constraints from various energy sources. Kristina's research focuses on self-organizing applications as a potential solution to these challenges. These applications enable network components to communicate and collaborate without centralized control, making adaptive decisions to respond to changing conditions.

Inspired by slime molds, Kristina explores their efficient pathways and growth optimization to balance energy demand and load across network components and areas. Her work also addresses the concept of resilience by developing fault-tolerant architectures for energy systems. These architectures incorporate redundant components, alternative pathways, and self-healing mechanisms for network stability, even in the presence of faults or failures.

Additionally, the study explores the integration of nature-inspired approaches with advanced technologies like artificial intelligence to enhance energy grid management. Overall, by focusing on specific research questions and considering the combination of nature-inspired approaches, advanced technologies, and energy grid optimization, this research aims to contribute novel findings and expand the existing body of knowledge in the field of self-organizing applications in energy networks.


Kristina Wogatai. Exploring the Potential ofSelf-Organizing Applications in Energy Networks. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS), Toronto, Canada, September 25-29, 2023.

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